SO Fine Art Editions Hosts the DR. Barbara Rae Exhibition

SO Fine Art Editions, one of Ireland’s leading contemporary art galleries, located on the second floor of the Powerscourt Centre, will be hosting the Dr Barbara Rae exhibition for one month from this Thursday 27th February until Thursday 26th March.

Barbara Rae, Icon Stone West, Polymur gravure

Bringingvibrancy into the dull month of February, the prolific Dr Barbara Rae, RoyalAcademician painter and master printmaker, will be exhibiting her recent worksat SO Fine Art Editions in South William Street’s Powerscourt Centre. Theexhibition includes works that summon the history of place, people and thepassing of time with powerful, fluid brush strokes and outstanding colour.

During journeys to Ireland, Italy, France, Spain, Southwest USA and the Arctic, Rae’s exhibition accumulates her inspiration. Before beginning to sketch, she spent weeks meeting people in each particular location, researching local history and delving into the spirit of the place. She then brought that research back to develop it into prints and paintings in her Edinburgh studio. The exhibition will include screen prints, etchings and monoprints from such travels.

Onenotable example is Rae's 2018 exhibition 'The Northwest Passage' which began in2013, followed with a series of expeditions into the Arctic. The Orcadiancartographer and explorer Dr. John Rae inspired this journey, resulting in aseries of works that were imbued with history while retaining the contemporaryintensity that is a signature of Rae's work. The exhibition premiered at theRoyal Scottish Academy before travelling to the Pier Arts Centre, Orkney, andCanada House, London, in autumn 2018.

BarbaraRae studied at the Edinburgh College of Art. After some years as a secondaryschool art teacher, she went onto lecturing in drawing and painting at CharlesRennie Macintosh’s School of Art in Glasgow. Rae is a recipient of numerousawards, scholarships, and honorary degrees, her work is exhibited in nationalmuseums, and public and private collections the world over.

We at Powerscourt Centre are honoured to be showing this unique selection of Barbara Rae's work in SO Fine Art Editions and encourage you to drop by before the month is out.


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